Jul 17, 2019
"Too many accounting & financial firms think that their solution is what the customer wants. People don't buy what you do, they buy what you do does for THEM!"
GBD67. Our guest's work on marketing and growth strategy has been widely published and acted upon by thousands of businesses and agencies, from BlackBerry to Barclays, from Nando's to AirBus. Robert Craven has presented to Google and several other leading global brands, and that's why we sat down with him to explore the "Value-Perception Gap", talk about why clients leave (and what to do about it), and answer the question: "The Reason We Love Our Accountant Is...?" His insights are invaluable to anyone running a service business which relies on close client relationships - and that means accounting and finance professionals.
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* Theodore Levitt's seminal 1961 Harvard Business Review article "Marketing Myopia"
* "Grow Your Service Firm" – Robert Craven
* "Customer is King" – Robert Craven
* See https://robert-craven.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/CIK-mini-version.pdf
* PWC's Report on the Future of Client Experience
Founder of the Grow Your Digital Agency initiative, Bath-based Robert Craven is a mentor and consultant who has helped more than 1,000 companies to revolutionise the way they work. Author of several books, including “Growing Your Service Firm”, Robert's work on marketing and growth strategy has been widely published and acted upon by thousands of businesses and agencies, from BlackBerry to Barclays, from Nando's to AirBus. Described as the UK's best-known and sought-after keynote speaker on growing digital agencies, Robert talks on customers: finding, delighting and keeping more and better customers and clients. He is not full of theoretical rhetoric; he offers practical solutions - tangible business growth results. Connect with him on LinkedIn here.
The Voices. These conversations with expert guests are recorded by different members of the AICPA & CIMA team from our offices around the world. While the sound quality may vary, the insights will always be consistently useful.
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