Jul 3, 2019
"We use the podcast to help bring stories of technology to the profession, how people are using them...and what those opportunities look like."
GBD65. This special 5-guest "Origins" episode marks our first anniversary as the latest AICPA & CIMA ENGAGE 2019 conference concludes in Las Vegas. Because our podcast launched at the last conference almost exactly a year ago, this is the perfect opportunity for a special episode to mark the first anniversary of our series. So we've done something extra special for the occasion, gathering the biggest number of guests we've ever had on a single show. Not only have they all been hosts in previous episodes, but all of them have also been pivotal in one way or another to the story of the Go Beyond project.
All members of the AICPA & CIMA global team, they are Jennifer Gardner, Zinaida Mahmutefendic, Kyle Hannan, and Mballa Mendouga. Penelope Brown, the originator of the series, hosts the conversation about the story of our podcast.
* Where did the idea for the podcast come from?
* How did it start?
* What are our most popular topics?
* Where do people listen from?
* What the “Go Beyond Disruption” initiative actually is?
* What are the areas we focus on?
* What have we discovered about disruption over the last year?
* What will we be focusing on in the year ahead and how we’re going to be reflecting it in our podcast?
And our subject matter experts make it all possible. Because it's our guests that make our podcasts so useful to our listeners, we'll be including a selection of excerpts from their interviews on the topic of disruption in the profession.
These conversations with expert guests are recorded by different members of the AICPA & CIMA team from our offices around the world. While the sound quality may vary, the insights will always be consistently useful.
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