Apr 30, 2021
"Unlocking the true value of analysing the data; THAT'S where we're best positioned."
Emily Chee (KPMG) and Maria Pollieri (Oracle, now retired) join our guest host Jim Gilbert (Jim Gilbert CPA) in this month's special 'Tech Advisory' edition of our podcast. They discuss CPA-relevant technologies in action, how to...
Mar 25, 2021
"Now there's an ENFORCEABLE means to make sure that these suppliers are being assessed..."
Guest-hosted by Steve Ursillo with Troy Fine and Matt Gilbert, this conversation is a good start to understanding CMMC, a complex and increasingly crucial component of top-level cybersecurity. It's especially crucial for...
Feb 12, 2021
"Data is the life blood of finance ...IT Logic is the set of rules to leverage and control that data."
Finance professionals need to be able to explain complex things to other people, so this conversation could really help. Kristen Hughes is Associate Director of Technology with the AICPA & CIMA. She is joined from...
Feb 6, 2021
"ANYONE can use a smart contract, but it's going to be in the context of blockchain technology."
Accounting Professor Cory Campbell joins us from Indiana, USA, to discuss Smart Contracts and their dynamic connection with other leading technologies like blockchain and cybersecurity. Why do they matter to today’s...
Jan 28, 2021
"We think of just the initial signing of a vendor to perform a service, but we don't do a good job of monitoring ...THEIR vendors"
Our first featured Technology Advisory episode of 2021 is hosted by Audrey Katcher of Rubin Brown LLC. She's joined by Torpey White of Wipfli LLC, and Mardhani (Danny) Wirapratama...