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Oct 31, 2018

"In today's global marketplace, more and more decisions to do business with people and organisations are driven by their security posture"

On this final day of Cyber Security Awareness Month in the USA and CyberSec Month in the EU, we talk about the practical realities - and the recommended best practices - surrounding cyber risk assessments.


Anthony Hargreaves is currently Director at RSM and an AICPA resource-contributor. An IT Auditor with many years of experience across the world, he's worked with all types of clients. From Seattle, he talks to AICPA & CIMA team members Liz Rock (Durham, NC) and Lindsay Patterson (Washington).


  • Why are cyber risk assessments so important?
  • How complex are they?
  • What's a Risk Register?
  • What are the most common risks organisations face?
  • Best practices for companies of all sizes, from 10 questions on an Excel spreadsheet to a global-scale Governance Risk and Compliance exercise.




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