Jan 8, 2021
"We've looked back so we could give you something to look forward to."
With the weekend here, we invite you to take some time away from the breaking news headlines with this extra short episode featuring a collection of special playlists, one for each of the main topics we've been covering since 2018.
Your Dedicated Episode Topic Lists. Click on any topic to open its dedicated episode page. (As topics can overlap, you may see the same episodes on more than one list).
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About Our Podcast. These conversations with expert guests are recorded by different members of the AICPA & CIMA team from our offices around the world. While the sound quality may vary, we hope that the insights will be consistently useful.
Get in touch. How did you discover our podcast? Where do you listen? What would you like to hear more of? Finance pro or not, we're keen to know what you think. Email us here.
©2018-2020 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA & CIMA)