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From mid September 2022 we've become "FLP, the Finance Leadership Podcast".

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Sep 19, 2018

"What's ordinary to accountants is extraordinary to everyone else...and that's your unique skill-set".

In addition to her work with AICPA & CIMA's CPD Academy programmes, Andi Lonnen is a qualified ACCA, a financial trainer, a speaker, and an author. She makes a difference to her clients by making finance fun for business professionals!

Research carried out for CIMA’s report Ready for business: bridging the employability gap (February 2014) identified that today’s finance professionals need more than just the technical skills required to produce accounting and financial information but also the ability to lead and influence people within the organisation. 

That's why our guest's insights are so timely. Andi tells episode-host Peter Biggenden (AICPA & CIMA, London) about bridging the "knowing-doing" gap, the power of online media, webinars and podcasts as professional development tools, and the transformation offered by moving from service-provision to business partnering.


  • sharing best practices for webinars gained from working with the CPD Academy programme
  • delivering effective online learning without worrying about the tech
  • appreciating the unique abilities and skills of those in the accounting profession
  • finance for non-finance professionals
  • being what accountants are born to be, and doing what they're born to do: add value





It's recorded by a growing team of AICPA & CIMA staff from offices across the world. 

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